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Who we are

Kristina Reeves

Chief Executive & Safeguarding Lead
Find out more about Kristina

Kristina is a qualified secondary school teacher with over 15 years of leadership and management experience both in the education and voluntary sectors. Growing up on the Isle of Man, she has been a SUMT volunteer in many forms since 1997, serving as a Trustee for 13 of those years. In her spare time, she is also a Pilates instructor and enjoys using dance and movement as worship, especially when it can involve her own children.

Sue Yardy

Team Leader
Find out more about Sue

As a qualified primary school teacher, Sue is passionate about using creativity and storytelling to engage children and young people both in the context of schools and churches. She joined SUMT in 2018, when she moved to the Isle of Man with her husband. Sue has two dogs and, in any spare time she has, loves to go walking, do jigsaws, read and try her hand at any sort of craft work.

Linda Wildman

Primary Schools Associate
Find out more about Linda

Linda is a qualified teacher with a background in Primary Education. Linda gained her youth work qualification as an intern with SUMT in 2011-13 and returned to join the staff team in 2019. She is the coordinator of our primary RE Curriculum days (Stars and Lifepath) and delivers assemblies and the Walk Through the Bible mini programmes. Linda loves making things and particularly enjoys playing with wool, fabric and paper.

Hannah Elphick

Secondary Schools Associate
Find out more about Hannah

After finishing a Masters’ degree in Biblical Languages and Literature at the University of St Andrews, Hannah moved to the Island to join the team in September 2021. She is dedicated to running CU groups as well as developing and teaching RE lessons and the Young Leaders training course. She also answers our technical questions and oversees our website and social media presence. Outside of work, Hannah enjoys playing the bassoon, sailing, baking and jigsaw puzzles.

Panda Dooley

Volunteer Coordinator
Find out more about Panda

Having been a volunteer for SUMT for a number of years and as a qualified youth worker, in September 2022 Panda became a full-time member of the staff team. She particularly enjoys working with churches across the island to share faith with young people and exploring how to promote wellbeing in schools. In her free time, Panda enjoys having coffee with friends and family, walking her dogs, reading and listening to music.

Hannah Grove

Curriculum Coordinator
Find out more about Hannah

Hannah has a degree in Creative Therapies and worked in mental health before joining SUMT in 2017. Hannah has since trained as a relationship and sex educator and a trauma informed practitioner. She is passionate about providing timely, inclusive and interactive relationship education for young people. Hannah is a wife and mother to three children, who loves coffee, painting, crochet, reading, cooking, walks and too many other things to list.

Laura More

Trustee, Executive and Pastoral Support

Geoff Elliott

Advisor to the Executive

Steve Curtis


Andrew Shipley

Executive Administrator


Robert Jeavons (Chair), David Stewart, Keith Allen, Andrew Cole, Laura More, Samuel Rotchell, Kristina Reeves & Kelly Gulland

Company Secretary: Christopher Nudd